Candace is Vice President and Compliance Officer at The Peoples Community
Bank in Mazomanie. She has worked at the bank for more than 30 years and
has a deep affection for the Mazomanie area where she has made her home
for 33 years.
Candace serves on the Foundation Board Fundraising and Stewardship Committee.
She is a member of the Mazomanie Lions Club serving primarily in their fundraising events. She and her husband ran the Mazomanie 4th of July Fireworks celebration for 24 years as an event funded entirely by community donations. She also has served in several officer positions for the Mazomanie Elementary Parent Teacher Organization during the years her children were in grade school. She was also the Youth Group Leader for her church for 10 years. Candace currently serves on the Worship and Music committee at Grace Lutheran Church in Dodgeville.
Candace graduated from Edgewood College with a Business Degree. She lives in Mazomanie with her husband, Peter, who is the Administrator for the Village of Mazomanie. They have three adult children who live in the area communities of Mineral Point, Spring Green and Mazomanie.