Board members urge leading by example; avoid large holiday gatherings to prevent COVID19 spread

gloved hand with stop coronavirus written on it

Dear County Supervisor:

We believe healthy, safe and thriving communities are a shared goal among our mutual constituents.

As an elected official, you pursue and support the policies and procedures that can provide a stable environment for safety and prosperity. We’re thankful for your commitment. As board members for Sauk Prairie Healthcare, we’re committed to empowering our healthcare providers and facilities with the tools and resources they need to meet the high expectations for quality and compassionate care of our patients and their families.

With our common goals in mind, we are asking for your help to slow the unsustainable rise in numbers of COVID19 infections in our communities. We are seeking your public support of prevention strategies that include face coverings, physical distancing, frequent hand-washing and the avoidance of large gatherings. These actions will help stem the rising tide of these infections.

The holiday season is presenting new challenges and risks, requiring us to double our efforts and lead by example. Through your leadership and by your actions in publicly supporting these prevention strategies you can positively impact the health and economic vitality of our communities by sharing with your colleagues and constituents about the importance of adopting these COVID19 prevention strategies. These strategies will help secure and position our communities for a strong and healthy recovery at the fastest pace possible.

We welcome your support and any opportunities to collaborate with you to improve the health and safety of our communities. We are here to serve your health needs and provide answers to your COVID19 questions. If we can provide you with any information, please feel free to contact us at or 608-643-7166.

Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season.
Thomas J. Schwarz
Sauk Prairie Healthcare Board of Directors

James Slattery, MD
Sauk Prairie Healthcare Foundation

Jill Breunig
Friends of Sauk Prairie Healthcare, Inc.