Prairie du Sac Grant Recipients
- Category: Community Grants, Foundation
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Friends of the Great Sauk State Trail
The grant was used to help the Friends celebrate World Bicycle Day and encourage people to move their bodies and enjoy the Great Sauk State Trail with a variety of events.
Sauk Prairie FFA
Funds were used to purchase an indoor hydroponic garden to assist with produce to be used for farm-to-table.
Sauk Prairie School District
The grant supported the Afternoon Magic program for students from the Bluffview area.
Sauk Prairie School District
Funds were used to promote mental health for early childhood students.
Sauk Prairie High School
The grant allowed the district to purchase an AED and carrying case for the high school to have available for events and activities inside and outside the school.
St. Vincent de Paul Sauk Prairie
The grant was used to address the lack of recovery literature in Spanish and English. It was also used to address the addiction epidemic by continuing with the CARE Recovery Program by providing a space for meetings and recovery literature, which provides education and prevention efforts.