At any age, a medical crisis could impact your ability to make your own health care decisions. Advance Care Planning allows you to proactively express your health care wishes and preferences. You may record your treatment options in Advance Directives. Advance Directives clearly state your healthcare choices and designate someone to make them for you if you are incapacitated. Advance directives are formal, legal documents such the Wisconsin Declaration to Physicians (Living Will) or the Wisconsin Power of Attorney for Health Care.
We encourage you to put your wishes in writing after discussing them with others, particularly your family. As long as you are capable, you may change or revoke your Advance Directives at any time.
Review your Advance Directives regularly and make changes as necessary. Inform your physician, family and agents of any changes.
Our Care Continuum staff are available to help you complete your Advance Directive documents. Please call 608-643-7589 with your questions or to setup an Advance Care Planning appointment. The process is free and will give you the peace of mind that your health care preferences are honored.