Please print and have the patient fill out an Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information Form.
If you have any questions when completing the form, please call the Health Information Management department at 608-643-7520.
Once you have completed this form you may:
Patient Information: Patient information
Disclose Information to: Mark box if patient is completing the form and wanting records sent to themselves. If the records are to go to someone other than the patient, fill in who/where the records are to be sent to along with the address. Can be a person or another healthcare facility.
Disclosure by: Identify which facility you want records from (can mark more than one).
Information Disclosed: Identify specific records wanted. Make sure to note the dates of service needed/Approximate dates of service are fine.
Expiration: Fill in date/event. If nothing is filled in, the release if good for one time.
Signature of Patient/Legal Rep: have patient or legal representative sign the release form.
Signature of Patient/Legal Rep: have patient or legal representative sign the release form. This is for HIV/AIDS, Mental/Behavioral Health or Drug/Alcohol Abuse.