What are the different types of hearing aids and what do they cost?
Hearing aids come in many different shapes, colors, sizes, and styles. These factors, in addition to the level of sophistication of the technology used, determine the cost. Your audiologist will work with you to determine which type of hearing aid and what level of technology is most appropriate for your hearing loss, your life style and your budget. Some insurance companies offer at least partial coverage toward hearing aid purchase. The best way to find out if you have coverage is to contact your insurer’s customer service department.
What does “technology level” mean when referring to hearing aids?
Which level is best for me? Hearing aids come in different levels of technology. At Sauk Prairie Healthcare we generally work with several different technology levels: from basic digital through the most advanced technology available. As the level of technology becomes more sophisticated, hearing instruments are: • More automatic • More specifically programmable to match the individual’s hearing loss • Better able to self–adjust volume according to the loudness of the incoming sound • Better able to adapt to environmental noises and interfering speech • More easily connected to external sound sources (ex: phone and tv via Bluetooth) • Smarter, learning the user’s preferences and automatically making adjustments for different listening environments • Waterproof (optional)
What is included with the purchase of a hearing aid?
At Sauk Prairie Healthcare, the following are included with the purchase of hearing aid(s): a 6 weeks trial period with a complete money-back guarantee; minimum of a 2 year manufacturer’s warranty and two years of coverage against loss and damage; unlimited visits, routine maintenance and adjustments at no charge for at least the warranty period.
Is one hearing aid enough?
Research has shown that individuals hear better when both ears function equally well. So, in general, if there is hearing loss in both ears, then two hearing aids will provide better benefit than just one. The primary advantages of binaural hearing (hearing with both ears) are that a person is much better able to localize or figure out where a sound is coming from, improved hearing in noisy environments such as restaurants or other group functions and to prevent auditory deprivation of the unaided ear.
Where can I buy hearing aid batteries?
Hearing aid batteries are available at most pharmacies, many retail stores and from your audiologist. The size number and color coding are consistent across most manufacturers. Below is a chart showing the different sizes and color codes. You can also purchase hearing aid batteries through Sauk Prairie Healthcare. Batteries can be purchased at the front desk of the Medical Building Office in Suite 230.