If the pipes in your house were rusty and ready to burst, or the water pressure was too high, you’d want to know so you could fix the issue before it caused a major problem. The same goes for high blood pressure.
High blood pressure (hypertension) is directly connected to a greater risk of heart disease, the No.1 killer of men in the U.S. Since there aren’t typically obvious warning signs for most people with high blood pressure, it could go unnoticed for years.
But it’s also important to know that high blood pressure can be prevented and improved. That’s why checking your blood pressure every year is so important.
Blood pressure refers to the force of your blood pushing against your artery walls. You don’t want it too high or too low, but high blood pressure is especially dangerous if untreated for too long.
Complications of high blood pressure include:
About one in three adult Americans has high blood pressure, and that number goes up with age. For most men, the risk of hypertension can increase by as early as age 30. By age 60, over half of Americans have it. The lifetime risk of developing high blood pressure is 90%.
High blood pressure has been called “the silent killer” for a reason — there are often no big red flags early on. Nearly one-third of people with hypertension don’t even know they have it. But really high blood pressure can be dangerous acutely and may cause the following symptoms:
If you have any of these symptoms that don’t improve with rest or worsen over a few hours, you should talk to your doctor right away.
Read why "Why Symptom-Free Doesn’t Always Mean Problem-Free"
Blood pressure is quick and easy to check. When that cuff gets wrapped around your upper arm and inflated, your doctor is measuring two numbers:
Systolic pressure — The “top” number is the pressure when the heart is beating
Diastolic pressure — The “bottom” number is the pressure between heart beats
So what is a normal blood pressure? It turns out that, like cholesterol, the number can vary on age and if other health problems are present:
Are certain people more likely to have high blood pressure? The answer is yes, but many factors could be involved. One factor is simply being a man — high blood pressure affects men more than women. While all the causes of high blood pressure are not completely known, simply having high blood pressure for too long is definitely not a good thing. The following are well-known contributors to high blood pressure:
In some cases, high blood pressure may be related to taking certain medications or having other health issues. This is called secondary hypertension.
Of course, you can’t control things like your gender, genetics, race or your age. But you’ll notice that most of the contributing factors are diet and lifestyle related that are within your control, which is great news for your health.
Whether your blood pressure test shows normal or high readings, it’s good to take steps to rein it in for the long-haul. Forming healthy habits now can make all the difference for a long and happy life.
In some cases, your doctor may suggest that you take a medicine for your high blood pressure. There are many options — such as water pills (diuretics), beta-blocker, calcium-channel blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors etc (there are many choices!). That being said, lifestyle changes are still important too, as you may find you can lower your dose or steer clear of medication completely.
Blood pressure management is much more than just medications. Here are some proven lifestyle changes that can help:
Getting your blood pressure checked is just the starting point. You can manage your blood pressure and health with the help of our healthcare team at Sauk Prairie Healthcare. It’s far less stressful on you and your heart to just come on in, get your blood pressure checked, and talk with us about what your numbers mean. Whether it’s continuing routine checks every year, making lifestyle changes or starting a medication, you’ll have a plan of action that’s right for you.
Call your primary care doctor to schedule a physical exam today.